All Sky Camera

The all sky camera takes a picture of the entire sky approximately every minute all day and night. The images can be combined to create timelapse videos and star trail images. The software used is an open source all sky software available here. It runs on a Raspberry Pi 4 connected to a ZWO ASI676 camera with a wide angle CCTV lens all mounted in an enclosure designed by Deep Sky Dad available here.

The enclosure kit includes an integrated power supply, dew heater and dew heater controller. It is mounted on a mast on the side of our garage to get it up and above some of the trees, unfortunately it still doesn’t have a very good horizon to horizon view.

Here is a sky trails picture from the camera, made by combining all of the photos over a single night:

Star Trail Image Created with All Sky Camera

Some aurora pictures are in this post: Aurora Pics from Oct14, 2024