Printrbot Plus

My first 3d printer was a kickstarter kit called the Printrbot Plus that I built in 2012. It was one of the very first hobbyist 3d printer kit available. The picture above is of its very first print, a shark “chip clip”. Recommended as the first print by Printrbot.

The Printrbot Plus was constructed of laser cut wood that I dyed green before assembly to personalize it. Below are a couple pictures when it was nearly completed. The power supply used is a common desktop computer supply. The print surface is a picture frame glass. The controller board was designed Printrbot that combined an aurduino controller with stepper motor controllers on one board.


Below are a few pictures of it printing. The first is one of several ear ring holders I designed and sold for period of time on etsy. The second are geckos, which I often used as a test print, and then gave out on Halloween. And the third is one of several different designs of raspberry pi cases. There were a couple minor upgrades here including the cooling fan.

Home setup

The printrbot plus made it from the garage to a repurposed closet to become a printing corner on a cheap ikea desk at the house.