Great Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13)

M13. The Great Globular Cluster in the constellation Hercules. This is very high in the sky in July. An easy target to shoot because it is relatively bright. It looks like a fuzzy cotton ball when viewed with binoculars or a smaller telescope. For this shot, the sky was a bit hazy with less than ideal transparency and seeing conditions. Yet, the galaxy NGC6207 is clearly visible in the bottom left corner. Image is from about 20 two minute exposures. Telescope was a 6 in aperture (diameter) Newtonian reflector. Camera is a ZWO ASI533MC color astro camera with a 9 mega pixel cooled sensor. Also used a 0.95 Reducer/Coma corrector so that the stars are nice all the way to the edge. Colors are relatively accurate since it was shot in dark skies, (3 on the Bortle scale) and thus only needed to use a infrared filter and relatively no post processing that would change the color.

Below is a previous attempt at M13, taken on July 14, 2023. Used the same scope and camera, but with the OpenAstrotech Mount, and no coma corrector.

And below is an image taken on Aug 21, 2022. This time taken using the OpenAstroTech Tracker, Canon 450D, and 135mm lens.