This is an OpenAstroTracker (OAT). Low budget astrophotography star tracker. Built from an open source hardware project design of mostly 3d printed parts. The tracking stepper motors are driven using a 3d printer controller board running OpenAstroTech firmware. The imaging and guiding software is running on a Raspberry Pi that runs open source software called EKOS, Kstars and PHD. Initially my setup included a Canon 450D SLR and a cheap telephoto lens, all of which were “on hand”. So the investment in this rig was around $150 dollars in misc. parts and 3d printer filament. The guide scope is also 3d printed with a lens and webcam. Autofocuser uses a smaller stepper motor and a belt. Unique to the OAT is the auto polar alignment feature which moves the whole assembly up/down and left/right to align with polar north. These are the stepper motors at the far front of the assembly and back of the assembly.